
Helping You Develop the Products & Services Your Customers Want
Using Cost Effective Engineering Management

Developing products and services your customers want, and delivering them cost effectively is the art of Engineering Management. Effective managers understand the impact their actions will have on customer satisfaction and company performance, as they nurture and develop people into effective teams. Knowing that achieving commercial success depends on the systems and processes that allow the organisation to function  – they will ensure that the ‘system’ supports rather than frustrates people’s efforts

Learn To Improve Your Business With Stunell Technology

Training Courses for Engineers
Designed & Delivered by Engineers

We provide training for engineers and engineering managers  involved in the product development process, delivered by an engineer with extensive experience of product development in the automotive sector.

Courses delivered by Stunell Technology include:-

Product Liability Training – explains the law and gives practical guidance about how to identify and reduce the risk of litigation due to loss or injury caused by defects in design, manufacturing or product marketing

Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and Production Part Approval Process (PPAP)  – provides an introduction to the product development and production part approval process

Failure Modes Effect Analysis (FMEA) – introduces and explains how the FMEA’s can be used identify and control the risk of failure in the development of new products and manufacturing processes.

Problem Solving (G-8D) – An introduction to practical problems solving skills and techniques

Engineering management turns innovative ideas into practical reality, enabling you to compete in global markets as you satisfy your customers’ requirements and expectations.

The ‘Systems & Processes’ used to manage product design and manufacturing should enable individuals and teams, throughout the extended supply chain, to coordinate their efforts and collaborate to achieve a common purpose – minimising waste and boosting productivity. We work with our clients to make sure they do.

Improve the Systems & Processes Used to
Develop and Manufacture Your Products

As engineering management consultants, Stunell Technology works with clients, including vehicle manufacturers and their suppliers, to improve the systems and processes used to develop and manufacture their products – giving them a competitive advantage in global markets. Consultancy projects are by their nature bespoke – depending on the needs of the client – but normally involve working with the client’s engineering team to identify why a project is in difficulty and finding a cost effective solution

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